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Find Your Best Cajon Today – 4 Favorites Out Of 10 Prospects

Updated: August 8th, 2022

When my band mates came up to me saying I had to learn cajon in order for us to play our sets “unplugged”, I resisted. I didn’t want to change from sitting behind my shiny, big drum set to squatting on a small wooden box which has now become famous under the name “cajon”.

But when I finally agreed to give it a try, I had an epiphany. This wooden precussion instrument of a cajon produced sounds that were stunningly good and surprisingly versatile. And our audiences though so too: after the first few concerts they were craving for more and more unplugged sets.

So now I’m a cajon fan, and apparently you’re too (or you’ll get there pretty quickly I think). But what actually is the best cajon? What makes one of those wooden boxes different from others? What is the best cajon for beginners, for acoustic rock, for worship or overall?

You’ll get all these questions answered here – along with a bonus tip on tuning (the crucial last step when buying a cajon). Note that there will be quite a few Meinl products in here. But that’s not, because I’m affiliate to this brand, but because their cajons are so very good.

My Best Cajon Pick at a Glance

Meinl Jam Cajon

  • Adjustable frontplate
  • Four rubber feet keep the cajon stable
  • Fairly small: 10.25″ wide x 15″ tall x 10.25″ deep

Meinl Headliner Cajon

  • Customizable snare tone
  • Variable tone
  • The only cajon that is particularly well-suited for kids

Meinl Cafe Cajon

  • Maple frontplate responds and resonates well
  • Frontplate delivers decent high-pitched tones
  • Rich and boomy bass sound


  • LP Americana Groove cajon looks great
  • Adjustable front plate
  • Awesome snare

My Best Cajon for Beginners (Under 5’7”)

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Who the Meinl Jam Cajon is for

The Meinl Jam Cajon is a good bit smaller than all others in this best cajon review. This makes it perfect for drummers (to be) under 6”.

It’s also good if you’re just starting out with cajons and want to test the waters. You won’t get a cheaper cajon that performs as well as the Meinl Jam Cajon.


The Pros

The Cons

My final opinion

I think the Meinl Jam Cajon is the real deal for beginners and kids. Very decent sound quality at a superb price. I wouldn’t buy it again, because my back isn’t as strong as it should be and I feel the Meinl Jam Cajon is just a tiny bit too short for me to play it comfortably. But I recommend this cajon to anyone around / below 5’7”. And to taller people with solid backs.

My Best Cajon for Beginners (Taller than 5’7”)

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Who the Meinl Headliner cajon is for

This is my pendant to the Meinl Jam cajon above. The Meinl Headliner cajon too provides good sound and durability for very little money. But other than the “Jam” model, this will be gentler on your back if you’re taller than 5’7”.


The Pros

The Cons

My final opinion

If you want a cajon that sounds decent right out of the box, the Meinl Headliner won’t be your best choice. But if you know how to tune this thing, you can achieve a wide variety of good sounds with the Meinl Headliner.

I still listed it as my best cajon for beginners, because I think it’s vital for a cajon player to know how to tune his / her instrument. The Meinl Headliner will force you to. And it won’t disappoint you once you got it right.

My Best Cajon for Worship

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Who the Meinl Cafe Cajon is for

The Meinl Cafe Cajon is actually good for a lot of drummers. For those playing acoustic rock or those just starting out on but most of my students love to use this cajon in worship bands.

This probably is because it has the following features:



My final opinion

If you’re playing songs that depend on very little to no snare sounds this might not be the best choice for you. But my students almost always do want to have a good snap in their worship songs, so worship drummers love this cajon. Especially because it fits their budget so well.

My Best Cajon Under 200 (& Overall!)

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Who the Latin Percussion Americana Groove cajon is for

The Latin Percussion Americana Groove cajon is applicable to a wide variety of musical styles (folk, country, rock, blues). In terms of band setting, I’ve seen it in use a lot by percussionists playing with singer/songwriters.


The Pros

The Cons

My final opinion

There isn’t much to complain about with the Latin Percussion Americana Groove Cajon. The fact that it needs a microphone for louder venues is absolutely okay for me, because each venue I play is mic’ed up anyhow.

And because I mostly play acoustic pop / rock, I don’t need off-snare sounds. And the upside of the LP Americana Groove’s price is the superb sound quality. This is not only my best cajon under $200, but my favorite cajon overall!

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The Crucial Part: Tuning a Cajon

So I’ve shown you what I think are the best cajons on the market. And I stand by that. But at the same time they won’t be if you don’t know how to tune them. For there’s no perfect sound of the box with any drum gear ever.

But not to fear: tuning isn’t difficult and you can learn it in about 15 minutes.

The basic thing to understand is that by adjusting the snare wires, you’ll change the snare-like buzz. And by adjusting the frontplate through the screws you’ll change the various tones of the cajon.

See how a cajon is being tuned from A to Z here:

How to Start Playing the Cajon

This too isn’t rocket science. In fact I think the beauty of this instrument is that you can learn to play it pretty quickly:

Simply sit on top of it, the front plate between your legs and start stroking the cajon towards the top (where the screws are) with the inside of you palms. This should give you a snare sound (buzzy or snappy, depending on how you tightened the screws) while moving your palm downwards and hitting the front plate at a lower point will give you more of a bass drum-like sound.

If you’re back starts aching after a while (happens to me), tilt the cajon backwards a bit and you should be fine. And this is really all there is to becoming familiar with how a cajon feels and sounds.

Of course, this doesn’t enable you to play rhythms of course, but I’d suggest spending at least a few minutes familiarizing yourself with your cajon like this, before jumping into the ocean of YouTube videos showing you how to play grooves and rhythms.

A good (and free) place to start with this are Heidi Joubert’s video lessons.

Also ReadBest Shoes For Drumming

So there you have my take on the best cajons out there. And now it’s up to you. Do you have any questions left? Can you comment on one of those cajons? Do you have an experience to share? Let me know in the comments. I reply 100% of the time!

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